Arizona-Five Cheese Company
Who We Are:
C.M. Bethel - C.E.O and President | She is a gorgeous redhead whose drinks of choice are Highballs and hooch. She is sometimes a little overworked but with a title like that who wouldn't be? |
N.M. Zona - Vice-President | Another of our beautiful executives. She loves to drink Whiskey Sours and is known for bartending skills |
T.D.E. Gilbert - Chair of the Department of Advertising | Sorry boys shes taken. Anyways, you probably couldn't keep up with her the way she does those Vodka shots |
L.S. Ciocco - Chief Maintenance Engineer | The one with the beautiful eyes she likes that Canadian drink, Mike's Hard Lemonade and also Corona. |
The Males of our Little Company:
Michael "E.P.P." Jennings | He is the athlete who also has the ability to drink his body weight in beer. Unfortunately he rarely gets to do it because the women of low tolerance usually make him leave beforehand. |
Christopher "Naked Boy" Lull | Now I know that he doesn't want to be known as the "Naked Boy" anymore, but some habits are hard to break. All the executives here at the Arizona-Five Cheese Company are sad because Chris went and left us (he graduated, the nerve). Now we see him intermittently and miss him dearly. |
Please write to me, nobody ever really
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